Activity – Legends of America

Using the Famous Apache Leaders Slideshow we will examine Cochise completing Famous Apache Leaders CLOZE notes  

The following can be added as an “assignment”.

Name _______________________________________

Legends of America: Chiricahua Apache Leaders CLOZE notes

  1. Cochise’s given name was ____________, meaning, “having the quality/strength of an oak.”
  2. Cochise was born around ____________, in either southeast ____________ or northwest Sonora, ____________. Not much is known about his early life.
  3. Cochise began training in the use of the ____________ at the age of six or seven.
  4. Cochise married ____________ (“meaning something at the campfire already cooked”). She was the daughter of ____________.
  5. In 1861, U.S. Lieutenant ____________ met Cochise at Apache Pass and accused him of kidnapping a boy who had in fact been taken by other Apaches. ____________ attempted to capture Cochise and members of his family.
  6. Cochise used his knife to escape. This event is known in Apache history as “____________.”
  7. The Bascom Affair initiated the “____________.” The Apaches maintained strongholds in the ____________, moving back and forth attacking ranchers and travelers alike. Keeping control of southeastern Arizona. 
  8. Cochise eluded capture from ____________ for more than a decade. 
  9. In the end, Cochise was willing to ____________ and find peace despite suffering. He lived and prospered by war, but died thinking he established peace for his people.
  10. Cochise died of ____________ and was buried at the Eastern Stronghold in the Dragoon Mountains on ____________ .
In your own words, summarize Cochise using at least five sentences. Remember to use the 5’Ws (who, what, when, where, and why).________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  1. ____________ was born near Turkey Creek, a tributary of the Gila River in the modern-day state of New Mexico, on ____________ 
  2. Geronimo’s given name was ____________, which means “The one who yawns”.
  3. Geronimo was an ____________  (He was never tribal chief).
  4. Geronimo was part of the ____________ branch of the Chiricahua tribe of Apaches, his actions were driven by revenge.
  5. Geronimo is best known for his ____________ in brutally fighting anyone who attempted to remove his people from their tribal lands. 
  6. The legendary medicine man and guerrilla warrior was so expert at eluding the enemy, he was considered to be protected by ____________ .
  7. In 1886, Geronimo was being pursued across hostile desert terrain by nearly a ____________ of the standing United States Army.
  8. After fighting for over ____________ , Geronimo and his band surrendered to the U.S. Army in 1886.
  9. As Geronimo and the last of the “breakout” Apaches were imprisoned and moved around the United States, a quarter of them died of ____________ .
  10. Geronimo died on ____________  in Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
In your own words, summarize Geronimo using at least five sentences. Remember to use the 5’Ws (who, what, when, where, and why).________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  1. Mangas Coloradas’ given name was ____________, meaning “He Just Sits There”
  2. Mangas Coloradas was born between ____________ , probably somewhere in what is now southern New Mexico.
  3. In an attempt to protect his tribe’s lands, he attempted to build relationships with U.S. soldiers. 
  4. This relationship collapsed during the ____________  when settlers staked homesteads and attacked. 
  5. Mangas was a military genius and during the American Civil War he joined forces with ____________  to attack white settlers during the battle of Apache Pass.
  6. Soon afterwards he was badly wounded in another raid where a ____________  was forced to treat him or be killed.
  7. Mangas was lured into ____________  by a white flag of truce.
  8. Mangas trusted ____________ and rode in alone.
  9. He was taken to ____________  in Arizona, where he was tortured and killed by guards.
  10. Mangas’ senseless murder set off the Apache Wars.
In your own words, summarize Mangas Coloradas using at least five sentences. Remember to use the 5’Ws (who, what, when, where, and why).________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________