Apache Woven Basket Craft

Apache Woven Basket Craft for Kids

Credit: https://www.123homeschool4me.com/

Step by stpe instructions

This is such a fun, simple Native American Craft for Kids! To make these Apache Woven Baskets you’ll need:

  • paper plates
  • scissors
  • several skeins of yarn

Now cut slits around the paper plate every 3” or so. Now take about 3 feet of yarn and fold it in half. Then tucking it into one of the slits start weaving it in and out of the slits going around the bowl. Once you complete a whole circle go back the other way and go in and out the opposite way. Continue until your piece of yarn is used up.Native American Apache Tribe Woven Basket Craft for Kids

Now take another color and again grab about 3 feet, fold it in half, and attach it to the end of the yarn you just finished with. Continue following your pattern by going in and out.  Repeat again and again until you complete the entire bowl and have made your Apache Woven Basket. Woven basket craft for kids