Mangas Coloradas
Mangas Coloradas was a respected Apache chief, an admired warrior and a great strategist. When U.S. forces began moving into the Southwest during the Mexican War, the Apaches saw no cause for alarm. Believing the old saying, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend,” they signed a peace treaty with the Americans. The U.S.–Apache peace was short-lived, however, as fights over Apache territory turned violent. There were many Apache tribes, but unfortunately Army troops attacked even the peaceful tribes. As the Apaches fought for both survival and revenge, Mangas united them. Under his leadership, Apaches waged an all-out war against the Americans, these became known as the Apache Wars.
Waging wars took a toll on the old chief. By 1862, Having recently recovered from a serious bullet wound, Mangas had enough fighting. He sent word that he wished to make peace. In January, 1863, under a white flag Mangas joined a council near Fort McLane. Earlier in the day, a group of soldiers and miners hid to await the chief’s arrival. The group burst from cover, captured Mangas, and put him in prison. Later that night, two soldiers tortured the bound Mangas. The chief told them that he was not a child to be played with, so they shot him. This act of trickery drove Cochise and Geronimo to an all-out war against the Americans. Geronimo, the last great Apache leader to surrender, would not cease fighting until 1886.
Directions: Answer each question, citing evidence to support your response.
1. Describe Mangas Coloradas’ character. How do you know?
2. Describe the relationship between the Apache and U.S. forces. How do you know?
3. What caused the relationship between the Apaches and U.S. forces to change? How do you know?
4. Describe the effect of Mangas Coloradas’ attempt to make peace. How do you know?
Summarize this passage using, the 5W’s “who, what, when, where, and why.”